The Co-Innovation Lab supports Leop. Siegle GmbH & Co. KG in Augsburg in optimizing its internal processes and lays the foundation for further digitization activities.
With several thousand different products, the company Leop. Siegle GmbH & Co.KG, as a medium-sized technical wholesaler in the field of rubber, plastics, industrial safety and environmental protection, has a very large stock. Numerous packages enter and leave the company every day. To improve internal logistics, companies often use warehouse management systems. Efficient use is only possible if existing processes have been analyzed and optimized in advance.
Leop. Siegle GmbH & Co. KG expects great added value in the digitalization of its logistics processes and the warehouse management system derived from them. For this reason, Anara Abylova, Benedikt Fischer and Martin Flöß, three students at Munich University of Applied Sciences and part of the Co-Innovation Lab, worked on optimizing the goods processes with coaching from Prof. Holger Günzel. It quickly became clear that long-term change management would be necessary to enable the cultural change that comes with digitization.
The team’s proposed solutions were well received by Leop. Siegle. “The consulting team did an excellent job. Thanks to the team’s work, we now have not only short-term “hands-on” solutions, but also a long-term solution that will definitely help us move forward,” Christian Ultsch, member of the management board, is enthusiastic. With their project, the consulting team has created a basis on which Leop. Siegle can build in the future. Christopher Ultsch, assistant to the management, is also satisfied with the result: “Optimizing deliveries to our customers, that was our goal! We are highly satisfied with the work of the team. We had a very good collaboration and will be happy to draw on the expertise of the Co-Innovation Lab in the future as well.”